Phone: +34 616100000
Reliable & Professional business partners are the key to the success.
About Us
Meta Phone Solution SL. is a professional iPhone repair service company, located in Valencia, Spain.
We specialize in main board repair, which is most recognized by our clients in Europe.
We import original repair material , equipment and tool from China, use lastest technology,to provide a complete iPhone repair service solution to our clients all over Europe.
Our Vision & Mission
Our Vision
Become one of best suppliers in Europe by providing a excellent total phone service solution to our clients
Our Mission
Prolong the life of electronic device, Reduce electronic waste to improve environment sustainably
Our Values
High Repair Rate
Low Second Return Rate
Short Repair Turnaround Time
Long quality Warranty
We help our clients to reduce total warranty cost and increase customer satisfaction.
Our footprint
It is simple to have a trial Repair
Client send us iPhone with IMEI, model, problem description, contact details
We check & repair the phones and feedback with detailed repair report
Client makes full assessment for further cooperation
Metaphone start to provide professional service